“You call that a knife?”
Tue Jul 25, 8:50 AM ET
LONDON (Reuters) - With Australian outback hero Crocodile Dundee as her inspiration, an 80-year-old British pensioner foiled a knife-wielding burglar with an even bigger blade of her own.
When woken by a masked man holding a knife, Winifred Whelan screamed and ran downstairs to the kitchen.
Grabbing a giant carving knife, she told the startled intruder “You call that a knife? This is a knife” in an echo of the famous scene in the Crocodile Dundee film when actor Paul Hogan confronted a New York mugger.
As she took on the intruder, her husband grappled with his accomplice.
Recalling the incident on the day the burglars were jailed for the break-in, Whelan told The Liverpool Echo: "I said to the robber ‘You call that a knife?’ His was around 10 inches long and I had a carving knife measuring around 14 inches.
“I pointed it at his belly and added ‘This is a knife!’”
Ah, the British are taking after the American ‘my gun is bigger than yours’ line of thought! :gwbdance:
Classic! A case of real life imitating reel life.
In America we would have just shot the intruder.
I’m dissapointed that no one threw a rabid crocodile at somebody midfight. Also, there were no motorcycles, chainsaws, crossbows, midgets, giant retards, or hotrod-semi chases. Australia must be getting downright sane.
I defend my home with a six foot Scottish claymore.
Indeed it does. Where’s that Supernavy guy now?
These burglars fail at burgling and life. Two burglars and neither one can stop an elderly couple?
First they wake up the inhabitants of the house.
Then burglar #1 lets an old lady run to the kitchen and grab a knife.
Even though he had a knife of his own, he couldn’t stop her.
Then his accomplice gets out-grappled by her husband, who I assume is probably around 80 years old himself, and not a Gracie.
Seriously, how bad do you have to suck at everything to allow this to happen?
Oh wait, it happened in the UK. Duh, after reading the Crocodile Dundee stuff my Yankee brain just assumed it happened in the Outback. Speaking of which, the one time I ate at the Outback, I ordered the Mad Max burger. I mean, shit, how could I not?
Did it leave an anti-semetic flavor in your mouth?
No, but I walked out of there a drunk masochist and I had a sudden desire to rewrite the Bible.