62 yo Man Chokes Out A Bobcat

62 yo Man vs. Rabid Bobcat
Winner: Old Man by RNC

This is what happens when wild animals don’t practice their ground game enough. All the bobcat had to do was keep its chin tucked and maybe try to work a sweep and things might have turned out differently.


They have bobcats in Florida?!?! wtf?

That old guy is a bad mofo. If you think thats cool, you’d probably get a kick out of this:


At age 61 and armed only with a pocket knife, john hirsch went toe to toe with a bear, and won. A true man.

Candidate for bad-ass of the month!!!

Also, front-paged this article. Very nice find.

I remember reading that article in the newspaper. Another guy on Vancouver Island killed a hungry mountain lion that was munching on his skull. Only used his 4" folding Buck knife.

I thought this story would be from up here too, but florida? weird.

he choked out Bobcat?

claps hand