2012 Year of the internet student keyboard warrior

To all Handrich haters
I actually attend and train with Alrey and Raven Handrich. You sure do talk alot of s*** for someone who has NEVER been to the dojo. I’m more then positive if you have the b***s to show up and ask Alrey where he got his black belts, he’d be more then happy to tell you. I’m also quite sure he’d be happy to except your open challenge to a few seconds of his time on the matt. If your so sure you can tap him then actually show up instead of telling everyone you couldn’t get ahold of him. The dojo is right down town main street. Biggest building on the strip. Also the only one with a full size cage standing in it. You might also want to recheck your florida source. LMFAO Alrey has never had a partner, nor did he ever run off with money. And if you actually talked to his instructor, witch you did not, you’d know they still talk and are and always have been on very good terms. Nothing but respect both ways. No need to post back lol, just show up… for real.

Read the rules before posting.

Also, do me a favor and learn the difference between “then” and “than.”

not sure what part i should re-read?

Do you remember where you posted?

Now, tell me how your post fits any of the rules or criteria explained in that thread.

And you misspelled mat. Douche bag.

sorry about that. trying to fix it. that part i didn’t realize untill i just caught it. But u still should know that Alrey is for real. He’d also be happy to have anyone come to the gym and train, check out, or just challenge him. I have to say though… it’s nice to know that he’s good enough that he’s appearing as a threat to others lol.

Thats miss douche bag to you

It is always fun to see an old ass woman acting like a little kid and keeping the stereotype of “women starting shit for men to clean up” alive.

lmao… thats the best you’ve got lmao

[QUOTE=demon warrior;2652168]To all Handrich haters
I actually attend and train with Alrey and Raven Handrich. You sure do talk alot of s*** for someone who has NEVER been to the dojo. I’m more then positive if you have the b***s to show up and ask Alrey where he got his black belts, he’d be more then happy to tell you. I’m also quite sure he’d be happy to except your open challenge to a few seconds of his time on the matt. If your so sure you can tap him then actually show up instead of telling everyone you couldn’t get ahold of him. The dojo is right down town main street. Biggest building on the strip. Also the only one with a full size cage standing in it. You might also want to recheck your florida source. LMFAO Alrey has never had a partner, nor did he ever run off with money. And if you actually talked to his instructor, witch you did not, you’d know they still talk and are and always have been on very good terms. Nothing but respect both ways. No need to post back lol, just show up… for real.[/QUOTE]Compared to this garbage it is a bestseller.

[QUOTE=demon warrior;2652180]Thats miss douche bag to you[/QUOTE]

Oh, well that makes a world of difference…then you’re a dumbass. And obviously an old ass woman too.

2012 Year of the internet student keyboard warrior

Dan is no wako. Sadly I found out about this far too late.
Dan Gribben is one of the kindest & most generous people in the sport.
I was fortunate to be trained by Dan many many years ago.
He did a lot of good for a lot of people.
If Dan punched the cop in the yap; it was either the cop had it coming (we see MANY cops who taze or shoot first and purposely escalate a situation that calls for tact) or he may be undergoing a temporary psychological breakdown.
I feel terribly for Dan. He really was one of the best guys I ever knew…and sadly life turned sour on him and he left for the deep snow.
God bless you Dan. Don’t give up.

[QUOTE=Kungfoolss;537573]I doubt you’d have this sense of altruism if it had been you or a loved one of yours that was punched in the mouth by this judo instructor.[/QUOTE]The man is mentally ill, sending him to prison as a purely punitive measure does exactly fuck all for society.

If the danger he presents to the public can be kept to a minimum, then the community is much better served by helping him to overcome his problems.

Edit: Seven fucking years? Oh you motherfucker

Prison isn’t nessasarily the best idea, however he should be locked the fuck up in a rubber room. Crazy people who are violent are a danger to society. For fucks sake how many examples of nut jobs killing multiple people do you guys need?? Who’s to say next time he won’t gun down a school yard because he thinks the kids are blue alien invaders?? He’s nuts and as the 1950’s taught us there are ways to deal with crazies.

Dan is awesome

Please, don’t give me that crap.
NOBODY is without some kind of psychological problem. NOBODY (that’s why we’re all here…but I digress).
The only thing is, we have culturally acceptable & established limits for each psychological issue. Dan MAY have overstepped that barrier…but that remains to be seen. It is a matter of his word vs some cop? I’d take Dan’s in a heartbeat.

If the cop was reaching for his gun or pepperspray, then im GLAD Dan socked him. Too man cops get away with abuse of power.
Where did learning how to deal with people with tact go?
If the cop wasn’t do so and Dan misread the situation, that is another story; he may need some counseling. One thing I’m confident about; Dan is not lying.

Dan could have (that is he is physically capable of) EASILY seriously injured or killed him…if Dan was so inclined; but Dan wouldn’t. That is not him.
People shooting their mouth off about a good guy should really go look in the mirror.

The cop should be grateful that he got nothing more than a single punch.

IF Dan punched him without cause, then Dan deserves either a)a psychiatric evaluation and/or 2)the lowest charge possible. Because he didn’t beat the snot out of him, he hit him once and diffused the situation. Dan didn’t grab his gun, nor did he bust his elbows for good measure, nor did he choke him into oblivion. Believe me, if Dan was that kind of guy; he could easily do it.

I’m passionate about this because I knew Dan for several years. I know he is one of the few real good guys out there.
It’s a crying shame when someone who has done so much for so many people is called “wako” or other arrogant and ignorant remarks are spewed towards him.
I guarantee this, Dan has done 1000x or more for people than those who speak against his character.

I guarantee this, Dan has done 1000x or more for people than those who speak against his character.

No, you can’t guarantee that at all. That makes you arrogant and ignorant of the facts as well.

RespeK! I want to shake his hand the copper was probably being a smart arse cunt.

[QUOTE=p4pdreamer;2652339]Please, don’t give me that crap.
NOBODY is without some kind of psychological problem. NOBODY (that’s why we’re all here…but I digress).
[/QUOTE]Wanna bet?

[QUOTE=demon warrior;2652188]lmao… thats the best you’ve got lmao[/QUOTE]No, but us adults would really appreciate some capitals and paragraphs.

[QUOTE=demon warrior;2652168]To all Handrich haters
I actually attend and train with Alrey and Raven Handrich. You sure do talk alot of s*** for someone who has NEVER been to the dojo. I’m more then positive if you have the b***s to show up and ask Alrey where he got his black belts, he’d be more then happy to tell you. I’m also quite sure he’d be happy to except your open challenge to a few seconds of his time on the matt. If your so sure you can tap him then actually show up instead of telling everyone you couldn’t get ahold of him. The dojo is right down town main street. Biggest building on the strip. Also the only one with a full size cage standing in it. You might also want to recheck your florida source. LMFAO Alrey has never had a partner, nor did he ever run off with money. And if you actually talked to his instructor, witch you did not, you’d know they still talk and are and always have been on very good terms. Nothing but respect both ways. No need to post back lol, just show up… for real.[/QUOTE]
Let’s add “accept vs except” to the list of troublesome homonyms.

[QUOTE=demon warrior;2652188]lmao… thats the best you’ve got lmao[/QUOTE]
What else do you want? Apparently it was enough to make you laugh your ass off, twice.