All I got from that is that you do a style called Six Harmonies Red Sand Palm Bitch.
Sounds quite interesting.
All I got from that is that you do a style called Six Harmonies Red Sand Palm Bitch.
Sounds quite interesting.
[QUOTE=1bad65;2060113]SifuExcuses is now over on KFM mag forums crying and making excuses (now it’s “chronic osteoarthritis”). And trying to say how others are the ones who drop e-challenges, not him. He is also again whining about his claims that he and JFS’ posts get cahnged, but won’t back it up with proof. Of course he ignores the fact that he does it himself on his abortion of a site.[/QUOTE]
Funny. I just spotted this here and was about to post pretty much the same thing.
Could we carry this over into MAP also?
[QUOTE=JKDChick;2058907]Your IP is from SOCal, so I’m guessing your real name is Rudy.
Dude, get a fucking life already.[/QUOTE]
I’m in SoCal, who the fuck is Rudy? You get a life bitch, mine is great:director:
[QUOTE=Lu Tze;2060161]All I got from that is that you do a style called Six Harmonies Red Sand Palm Bitch.
Sounds quite interesting.[/QUOTE]
It really is actually. Is it true all you UK types are cross dressers?
Harmonies Red Sand Palm is the style “Bitch” was for you little Bullshido Bitches:XXsmoker:
This is a cozy little club you got here. Talk shit about the world and attack anyone who speaks up?
Yup Bitches LOL!!!
[QUOTE=redsandpalms;2060167]Harmonies Red Sand Palm is the style “Bitch” was for you little Bullshido Bitches:XXsmoker:[/quote]Oh sorry, my mistake. I’ve heard palm style can make you go blind, is that true?
[QUOTE=redsandpalms;2060167]Is it true all you UK types are cross dressers?[/quote]No, but we’re very accepting over here if that’s what you’re worried about. You’d be more than welcome no matter what your lifestyle choices are.
[QUOTE=redsandpalms;2060167]It really is actually. Is it true all you UK types are cross dressers?
Harmonies Red Sand Palm is the style “Bitch” was for you little Bullshido Bitches:XXsmoker:
This is a cozy little club you got here. Talk shit about the world and attack anyone who speaks up?
Yup Bitches LOL!!![/QUOTE]
You seem to be a reasonable person who responds politely to genteel inquiries.
Would you care for a cup of tea?
During the site upgrade did Phrost put in an order for new “Smilies” and “Emoticons” cause I think we may run out of them.
redsandpalms, You seem to have a lot of anger. Were you pwned in a thowdown with one of the Bullies? Is that secret shame the source of anger. Well, thats ok, just cry and let it out. I know you’ll feel a lot better for it.
[QUOTE=M1K3;2060187]redsandpalms, You seem to have a lot of anger. Were you pwned in a thowdown with one of the Bullies? Is that secret shame the source of anger. Well, thats ok, just cry and let it out. I know you’ll feel a lot better for it.
I am not angry friend but I was a bit offended by the voice of authority.
And yes I’d love a spot of tea.
As far as being “pwned in a thowdown” you do not know anyone who knows anybody that could even think a bought kicking my ars. You se I am a legend in my own mind!!!
[QUOTE=Lu Tze;2060178]Oh sorry, my mistake. I’ve heard palm style can make you go blind, is that true?
No, but we’re very accepting over here if that’s what you’re worried about. You’d be more than welcome no matter what your lifestyle choices are.[/QUOTE]
I am blind! Good thing I can’t see what you said or I’d be so angry. So maybe you are correct about the palm. Since I can’t see my seeing eye dog Reggie reads and woofilates for me then I respond by typing with my big fat cock. Dicks are for chicks so none of you queers better not dare ask for smoking my pole!!
You are some catty little bitches aren’t you all? The sly barbs and double talk are very metro sexual.
Bullshido is japanese for Homo:new_olymp
Bullshido is japanese for Homo:new_olymp[/QUOTE]
You can’t spell “bullshido” in Japanese.
When making sexual innuendos, be sure to check spelling and punctuation rules as to make the joke believable (if only slightly.)
[QUOTE=Lu Tze;2060178]Oh sorry, my mistake. I’ve heard palm style can make you go blind, is that true?
No, but we’re very accepting over here if that’s what you’re worried about. You’d be more than welcome no matter what your lifestyle choices are.[/QUOTE]
You should travel back in time and use your judo to choke out yo mama during your gestation so we’d never even have to have this exchange.
BTW your slip is showing bitch.
[QUOTE=DunkelAnanas;2060203]You can’t spell “bullshido” in Japanese.
When making sexual innuendos, be sure to check spelling and punctuation rules as to make the joke believable (if only slightly.)[/QUOTE]
Only homos dote on puchtuation Homo, hahaha!
i was not joking.
Oww you’re from Wisconsin? Lots of Beer n Brots Huh?
Bet You’re a fat fuck that doesn’t even know martial art?
Hey I just read this
Guess what? they’re right! Bullshido Does suck ass!
Aww, I made him cry. Hey you started it, it’s called reciprocation… or to put it in terms you’ll understand, “reciprocation” is a bit like a “reach around”.
You want a civil conversation, it’s really quite simple, just be civil. Don’t hang around in trollshido calling people bitches and expect anything but the same treatment back.
[quote=redsandpalms;2060204]You should travel back in time and use your judo to choke out yo mama during your gestation so we’d never even have to have this exchange.
BTW your slip is showing bitch.[/quote]
Really clever insult. Just needed to add that “hahaha” at the end so we would get it.
[QUOTE=redsandpalms;2060205]Only homos dote on puchtuation Homo, hahaha!
i was not joking.[/QUOTE]
Just out of curiosity, is the sand red due to the bleeding it causes when you put it on your palms? I’m going to give you a little advice, sand makes a terrible lubricant.
For a while I thought you were a dupe for SifuAbel, but I doubt even he is this bad at making gay jokes. Don’t get me wrong, he is bad at it but not this bad. I blame the public schools for not allowing name-calling.
[QUOTE=DunkelAnanas;2060222]For a while I thought you were a dupe for SifuAbel, but I doubt even he is this bad at making gay jokes. Don’t get me wrong, he is bad at it but not this bad. I blame the public schools for not allowing name-calling.[/QUOTE]
SifuExcuses and his bitch Tom Fox have both been caught using multiple accounts here. That might explain it.
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Mexico
Posts: 0
SoCal is not Mexico - yet.
[QUOTE=SifuAbel;2053684]LOL @ Mr. “meditative dirty boxing” hypocritically telling someone else to do some thing he himself doesn’t do. Hypocrite much?
Speaking of hypocrisy, IIF has never been to a TD, TMK.
As far as the guy in question from the original thread, he pegged you right. And that was in 2006. Its 3 years later and you are still an anonymous boy/man being a prick online.
If you didn’t hide behind your keyboard and actually did have something to show of your self, then he/others couldn’t use it against you, now could he? Irrespective of whether or not said individual deserves respect, he’s still right.
And if respect is earned with your fists in MA ,where are yours? Nowhere, apparently.
And here you are hypocritically trying to bury someone that is calling you on it. Its BULLSHIDO, pure and simple. And Derubermouse comes out and defends you, how cute.
How many here will be a hypocrite in defending him? I wonder. If he was just some new guy, would you take him seriously without some info? anything? How many have passed through here and been royally gutted by the mob here for EXACTLY the same crime IIF is GUILTY of.[/QUOTE]
Why does this whole thing bother you so much?