2004 Lulz wut?

Modern addendum to this thread: if I have the option to buy a 100lbs TKO banana bag locally for $80, as opposed to about $200 shipped for a KO bag, is the quality difference really enough to justify the 2.5-times-higher price? I’m also considering that if I run into problems the store says they will take it back, and they’re only 10 minutes away.

No wavemaster love? :frowning: haha sorry, that’s all I can fit into my apartment.

Haha neither of you look at dates?


TKO Heavy Bags last? - Page 2 - No BS MMA and Martial Arts

What did you think I meant by “Modern addition”?

I didn’t think we needed another thread about exactly how crappy TKO bags are, but you’re the boss. Gotta keep those '04 threads pristine.

Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that two words makes it okay to resurrect a thread basically six years later, in MABS, with many posters that no longer post, asking a question that could go right here:

Mounting a Thai Heavy Bag in your Garage… - No BS MMA and Martial Arts

Canvas vs Vinyl Heavybags - No BS MMA and Martial Arts
Yes, it is about keeping old threads pristine.

Thanks for the edification.

Well, one of those is from 2007 and only a little related, but I’ll post in the other! Thanks!