20 Toughest Fighters on Planet Earth!

Has anyone read the 20 Toughest Fighters on Planet Earth, as seen in Blackbelt Magazine, if so who is in the list? Oh, Paul Vunak is in at number 12…

*Edit by GG: Next time you start two threads with the exact same topic, including one completely in an inappropriate forum, expect a timeout. A read through newbie town and the FAQs would do you well. Threads moved and merged.

  1. Strikestan is for striking techniques and strategies. So Wrong forum.
  2. Search function fucking N00b http://www.bullshido.net/forums/showthread.php?t=32611&highlight=toughest
  3. I hope Phrost gives you a 24 hour band for your stupidity
  4. Kill yourself :seppuku:

Who are you calling stupid, the people in this punch and kick or do they just grapple. Oh and doesn’t self-defence have stratagies in?

You are banished to the school of Martial Art Dickheads.

Top 20…*This should do well here - GG

Has anyone read the 20 Toughest Fighters on Planet Earth, as seen in Blackbelt Magazine, if so who is in the list? Oh, Paul Vunak is in at number 12…


Your a fucking idiot. Please quit posting here. You really should kill yourself. No one likes you. you are the reason your parents broke up.

You forgot “Daddy drinks because you cry.”

Seriously Dragon1, I think you meant to post here: http://www.martialartsplanet.com/

Uh, no.

He’s right.

You did the stupid.

20 Rodney King
19 Marco Lala
18 Tony Cecchine
17 David James
16 Richard Dimitri
15 kELLY mcCanN
14 Loren Christensen
13 Lee Morrison
12 Paul Vunak
11 Benny The Jet
10 Jim Harrison
9 Dave Briggs
8 John Skillen
7 Denis Martin
6 Carl Cestari
5 Peter Consterdine
4 Stan Peterec
3 Geoff Thompson
2 Gene Lebel
1 Terry Oneil

OMG I just found it, and there are no MMA fighters on it. What a joke.

you betta’ reconize

Makes you wonder what their bullshit selection criteria were…

But there is an MMA trainer…wtf

if you want to be banned so badly just ask a mod…


Blackbelt Magazine is a submission magazine…meaning, you want to see an article about something in BBM…then write it and send it in.

This is one author’s opinion…and you know what they say about authors and opinions…

There are actually a lot of tough people on the list, just a lot of trainers rather than fighters. I think it’s a terrible list, and should be at very least mostly MMA fighters, but there are some definite tough guys on the list.

If I’m not mistaken, Gene Lebell and Benny the Jet run a school together or at least frequently work together. I think they’re currently training Karo Parisian. Rodney King is a (former?) SBGi guy and has some of the best striking instructionals I’ve seen. I haven’t seen or read too much of Vunak, but he seems to be very well grounded in reality and completely insane at the same time. Tony Cecchine, despite coming off as an ego maniac in any form of media he’s represented in, seems to know “the real catch”.

Of course all of these things are off the top of my head, so I wouldn’t take any of it as the truth until investigated. My real point is that #1 is not Bruce Lee, and that not everyone on the list is a total pansy who can do their kata the best and have the loudest kiais. It’s by far not the worst I’ve seen out of black belt.

Your a fucking idiot. Please quit posting here. You really should kill yourself. No one likes you. you are the reason your parents broke up.

Posted by: bodar

Your a fucking idiot. Please quit posting here. You really should kill yourself. No one likes you. you are the reason your parents broke up.

You forgot “Daddy drinks because you cry.”

In regards to the above know one fucking knows me and your fucking toss pots, who don’t know who there dads are. Bullshido, ah your full of it. Now, go and eat shit…

To the ones who have posted list thanks and some of them I don’t agree with. as for Terry Oneil, then top 3 was my view as he is a hard bastard.

Yup. You’re still an idiot.

Just a comment gents, I,ll try and get big steve on here since he was there. I believe it was circa 88.89. Carl and steve went to a Vunak seminar. Carl wrote on the opinion card and said it sucked, Vunak stood up and asked “who wrote this’ Carl stood up told him he did, Vunak invited him up on the mat, Carl said " let’s go outside and do it for real” Vunak jumped around for a few seconds then carl planted him like a shit stain on the pavement, then one of Vunaks top students came over screamin, big steve then ax handed him to the point of another stain! man , I would have paid good money for that one, Jimbo

After reading this entire thread… man, I just dont know. I think Im beginning to see why women like soaps.

I think I should have really found something better to do with the time I spent reading this. I feel as though my IQ just fell 50 points.