I went to stay with a friend of mine and his new fiance(We have been really good friends since high school and he wanted my opinion here. She is awesome) When he introduced me to the in laws I met his sister in law and her husband. Now here is the situation. He will give her oral, but she wont give him oral and wont even give it a try. I say that is totally fucked! That is in no way an equal partnership. Your thoughts?
The second is. If there is a married couple and one of them works. So is it safe to assume that the unemployed one will be taking care of the majority of the home? I say yes, no matter what the sex of the unemployed.
I always thought turn-around seemed fair but equally, you shouldn’t be doing A to get B. You do A cause you want to, if you do it only for the expectation of receiving B then you’re going into it with the wrong perspective - and you might as well give up A, if she’s totally never going to go for any reciprocation. On the other hand, if she just has some hangups about it but might otherwise be into it, then that’s something they need to talk about and try and figure out what the root issue is and work to fix it. Maybe she’s really not into the idea of a “nasty” surprise and doesn’t trust him to help her avoid that in the heat of things.
The second is. If there is a married couple and one of them works. So is it safe to assume that the unemployed one will be taking care of the majority of the home? I say yes, no matter what the sex of the unemployed.
Your thoughts?
I’d say yes, right at the moment, I’m figuring out with my wife who’s going to stay home more with the kids (we both used to travel constantly for work), and whoever takes that role will be the one who manages the house - be it her or me.
(and if it’s me, gets to pickup some morning jits classes)
Every relationship is a negotiation, and what you give to get what you get is going to be different for every pair of people every set of circumstances.
Or in LLLspeak, maybe he gave up oral to get anal.
[quote=HappyOldGuy;2066410]Every relationship is a negotiation, and what you give to get what you get is going to be different for every pair of people every set of circumstances.
Or in LLLspeak, maybe he gave up oral to get anal.[/quote]
Or, maybe she’s not so interested in giving oral immediately after shes gotten anal…
1st question: nothing worse than getting head from someone that doesnt want to, but DAMN who doesnt like getting a hummer? Like HOG said, there should be some sort of trade there.
2nd question: Yes
Now on to the good stuff, this is the question that great pick up lines are made of…so abuse it!
I think a woman should at least give oral a try if they are receiving oral. Especially since she loves receiving oral and he isnt that into giving it. But does so because she enjoys it. She has never tried it once on any guy and I think fair is fair.
i wouldn’t want oral from someone who didn’t want to give it. but i suppose if you’re really into receiving oral and are doing something for your partner that you don’t enjoy so much then concessions should be made.
in regards to domestic duties… you’re damn right the “unemployed” person in the house should be doing the vast majority of them. (Note this is not to say that the unemployed partner is inferior, in many cases it may be in the couples best interest to keep this arrangement).
[QUOTE=Big Dozer;2066359]I went to stay with a friend of mine and his new fiance(We have been really good friends since high school and he wanted my opinion here. She is awesome) When he introduced me to the in laws I met his sister in law and her husband. Now here is the situation. He will give her oral, but she wont give him oral and wont even give it a try. I say that is totally fucked! That is in no way an equal partnership. Your thoughts?
The second is. If there is a married couple and one of them works. So is it safe to assume that the unemployed one will be taking care of the majority of the home? I say yes, no matter what the sex of the unemployed.
Your thoughts?[/QUOTE]
The first one is not very strait forward, If your friend is happy with the current situation then it doesn’t matter. But if he was bitching to you about it then it might become a serious issue in the future. Speaking as someone who loves receiving blowjobs, I probably could not marry a woman like that because either I would eventually have to get one from another woman or drive myself crazy by resisting the temptation to.
The second one I agree with fully. If one person works and the other doesn’t, you should definitely be able to keep the house in order, assuming health isn’t an issue. Otherwise you’re an asshole. That’s the way I loook at it.
The first situation is fucked! Does his fiance not realize the risk he exposing himself to in order to keep her happy? Doesn’t she know that eating pussy can give you heart disease? And she won’t even give him a little sucky-suck? What the fucky-fuck, man? That is a gross injustice if I ever saw one. Somebody needs to protest that shit.
The partner doesn’t work should take care of the kids, especially if it’s a woman. This way, she is kept busy and less likely to go fucking the postman or plumber or something.
But really the stance to take here is: No head, then get the fuck out of my bed.
Hells to the motherfuckin yeah!!! It’s a fucking injustice man, Q. has teh correct!!! It is a scientific FACT that the man-paste a lady recieves, as her reward for performing this vital service is packed full of vitamins, minerals and amino acids and shit!!!
Not to mention you won’t find a better moisturiser for her skin, silky smooth and youthfull…!!!
It’s like getting a multi-vitamin and skincare regime all in one handy dandy package! (“Package”… ya see what I did there…? Snigger)
I think its bullshit. She isn’t being the 3 G’s thats for sure. What are the 3 G’s? Well as the wise Dan Savage tells it its being Good, Giving and Game (as in game to try things). If your friend wants to have oral sex as part of a healthy and fullfilled sex life with his wife she needs to no pun intended suck it up. Just like if she really loved getting eating out and he didn’t want to do it… oh fucking well he better learn to love it. If its what makes your partner the person you said you would live with the rest of your life (or atleast TRY) happy and its not something that goes against your own reasonable moral code and you refuse? Fuck you thats grounds for leaving them. I couldn’t imagine being in a long term relantionship with out reciving oral sex. If she refuses to give it and its something he feels is needed to have a complete and healthy sex life then he should be allowed to get his BJ’s else where.
Oh and yeah if a person doesnt work no matter the sex they are to handle the household. If I was married and my lady made bank and wanted me to be mr mom i would be ok with handling all the shit that is required to run a house hold. ITs the year 2009 people.
[QUOTE=Big Dozer;2066486]I think a woman should at least give oral a try if they are receiving oral. Especially since she loves receiving oral and he isnt that into giving it. But does so because she enjoys it. She has never tried it once on any guy and I think fair is fair.[/QUOTE]
Well then we know whose pussy whipped in this relationship.
I like what Dan Savage said a few times: “Oral should come as standard on all models. Any that doesn’t come with oral should be returned to the showroom”.
I agree. There’s just no excuse for being completely inactive, especially when someone else is being so kind as to provide for you. Gender doesn’t enter into this one, for me.
[quote=Burb;2066707]1. I like what Dan Savage said a few times: “Oral should come as standard on all models. Any that doesn’t come with oral should be returned to the showroom”.
I agree. There’s just no excuse for being completely inactive, especially when someone else is being so kind as to provide for you. Gender doesn’t enter into this one, for me.[/quote]
WTF - I already brought up Dan Savage. While he is the ghey he is right on the oral issue and most other sexual health questions. Dump the bitch that won’t suck.
I LOVE going downtown on a foxy lady. If she’ll let me, I’ll stay down there for hours. Even if there’s no reciprocation, I’m STILL going downtown. That’s how I roll.
Having said that, that chick sounds like a selfish lover…and selfish lovers, no matter how sexy, are pure shit in the sack.
If she won’t return the favor, then she needs to give a DAMN good handjob, a superb massage, or some other means to flip the dude’s switches. Otherwise…she’s a selfish lover and shit in the sack, and she needs to realize that he’s probably had better lovers than her. Let Mrs. Princess swallow that.
Without question. Unemployed = House Hero. I’m not sure why this is even up for debate. If you aren’t working, and you aren’t willing to help around the house…
…then you’re a useless piece of shit who deserves a divorce and wet cardboard box to live in.