1st rule of rep: Don't talk about Rep. 2nd rule: It's useless. 3rd: I still whine.

I’ve lost a large chunk of my rep comments. I was reminiscing and noticed it cut out more than half of them.

I got jealous and complained to Tom Kagan.

oh yeah, repcommentbitching!!! :homo:banstickplz!!!

on that note, it doesn’t seem that i am getting any additional points for rep given to me since the upgrade.

or maybe i can’t count.

i don’t really care, but noticed it and thought i would report it here.

Yeah, I miss my complete catalog of past reps…


people only leave one or two points, as opposed to pre-upgrade amounts.

it makes me sad, i <3 rep. (not rep bitching)

[quote=Ming Loyalist;2084180]on that note, it doesn’t seem that i am getting any additional points for rep given to me since the upgrade.

or maybe i can’t count.

i don’t really care, but noticed it and thought i would report it here.[/quote]

I think this actually started happening just before the upgrade… but then again, five minutes ago I thought it was just me.

We scaled back rep points a bit. It shouldn’t matter anyway because it’s just a post feedback/comment system now.

I’ll look into displaying the full list of rep comments.

So wait, if you’ve scaled back rep points, then bully level is more post based?

I’m just trying to wrap my head around the “bully level” concept. Without hating it.

I only miss full rep because making a spammer turn red in one click was like casting finger of death.

You can still finger them, it just won’t be as satisfying.

For you, at least.

This was amusing.
I had a system:

  • rep, turn them red with a snide rep comment
    -click “report post” button and try to come up with another comical comment while reporting.
    -watch the “Mad Cow” and read the insult the staffer left about the SPAMMER

Culled from:
Site Upgraded - Post Issues Here - No BS Martial Arts

[quote=Kid Miracleman;2084209]Yeah, I miss my complete catalog of past reps…

This is temporary until I figure out why IE performs so poorly on the new skin within the control panel.

You are correct.

Hey, tom, can we have a userCP link at the bottom of the page?

It’s there, but hidden. Press the “Home” key and it will appear.


The home key is so far away. I miss the comfort of looking down and seeing, “User control Panel” on the far right.

<3 Tom Kagan.

Tom Kagan does not love you.

I’m a mean and petty person who doesn’t love you either.

This is fun!

[quote=3moose1;2084622]The home key is so far away. I miss the comfort of looking down and seeing, “User control Panel” on the far right.

<3 Tom Kagan.[/quote]

The home key on your computer. Not the home key your parents won’t let you have because they kicked you out for being a whinny teenager.

[quote=jnp;2084633]Tom Kagan does not love you.

I’m a mean and petty person who doesn’t love you either.

This is fun![/quote]

liar liar pants on fire!

Er, gi pants. Those bitches are made of cotton, so they are extra susceptible to spontaneous combustion due to your lies.


Its ok, I went and stayed with your sister/wife/girlfriend/mom/grandmother after i got kicked out.

(also, i knew it was the one on my KEYBOARD, noob)

You’re all fags for posting in another crap-exchange between Mr Bad Ghey and MoosePen0r!! FA66z! Fl4Gs! FaYG5! FeHGZz!!

(there, I feel better now)

Serge, you’re the meet in the mrbadguy/moose sandwich :wink: