1bad vs fox: who cares?

Because you lied about your experience. Thats why. Poseur.

And Saturday I will embarrass you over it.

Why wait? First it was Monday now it is Sat…Whatever.

Over on SifuExcuses board you said tags were stupid. My how we change! And lie!

Get ready for Saturday!

Please do not shadow me. I was not talking to you in the first place.

Gotta keep my eye on you. You said you were gonna get me, and it could be at my home or work.

Do you deny you said that over there?

Get over it already, you have no proof. You just want to start shit.
My instuctors are above this BS.

Just go away already.

1bad, do you have to fucking talk shit in every single thread?

Grow up already. If you’re going to meet fox, then post afterward. Actions speak louder than words and right now your words are making you look like a butt hurt nutrider.

Do you deny you offered me money if I beat you?

I said it and wanted to meet you halfway. You lied about info you already had as well. Let it go.

Thanks Steve, I am trying to keep it civil on here.

I know.

Here’s a place where you guys can verbally duke it out all you want.

I offered you $1000 if you beat me. Yup. I wonder why you refused to fight me. Thats alot of money.

You have to come here because YOU challenged ME. That’s how it works, idiot. Your so stupid you can’t get that through your head.

On Saturday I will nail you good.

Speaking of what people said; Do you deny saying you threatened to get me at my home or work?

No, it was changed from OSO’s sig. I do not know where you work, or live.
It is over and done with, let it go.

… You’re a tard…

Just my 2c on the issue.

Internet = Serial Bithness.

You’re such a pathetic liar.

Just when I think you can’t go any lower, you prove me wrong.