1 week in Class Sifu Defender (but not really defending)

[QUOTE=It is Fake;2761220]Pretty much.

I will state I HATE when people use seminars as lineage.[/QUOTE]

I HATE when someone takes a part and makes it the whole. :slight_smile:

[QUOTE=Matterz;2761226]I HATE when someone takes a part and makes it the whole. :)[/QUOTE]
Let me know when you stop.

[QUOTE=Matterz;2761226]I HATE when someone takes a part and makes it the whole. :)[/QUOTE]

The problem is that the lineage claims and seminars have the SAME weight.
They are statements. They are not backed up.
They are part of the same whole “I’ve done all this take my word for it”.
Now I for one have no problem with the claims just the tardiness of presentation.

If I ever made a website concerning the styles I taught I would provide links and images backing my claims of lineage.
It wouldn’t be much, probably just the number of my teacher (if he didn’t mind) and inclusion on his site as an authorised teacher of that line.
Or/and a copy of certification.
In the abscence of the above I would be happy to clarify as best possible providing it were asked reasonably.

Would you care to answer my questions to you Matterz?
I mean’t them in all seriousness and you seem to have avoided answering them.

[QUOTE=Resonance10;2761236]The problem is that the lineage claims and seminars have the SAME weight.
They are statements. They are not backed up.
They are part of the same whole “I’ve done all this take my word for it”.
Now I for one have no problem with the claims just the tardiness of presentation.

If I ever made a website concerning the styles I taught I would provide links and images backing my claims of lineage.
It wouldn’t be much, probably just the number of my teacher (if he didn’t mind) and inclusion on his site as an authorised teacher of that line.
Or/and a copy of certification.
In the abscence of the above I would be happy to clarify as best possible providing it were asked reasonably.

Would you care to answer my questions to you Matterz?
I mean’t them in all seriousness and you seem to have avoided answering them.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. And is why I said, “…follow up with your own calls as you need/want.” I’m not being evasive I just won’t quote more hearsay of my own phone calls and inquiry. It would prove argumentative and still have the same weightlessness as Sifu Fernandez’s claims. So I invite you or anyone else to read his statement and follow up, if you need/want. And if SprawlnBrawl would have instead of confronting Sifu, he too would know, be satisfied and this whole thread would not exist.

Sorry I wasn’t avoiding your questions, I’ll find them and answer as best I can.


[QUOTE=Resonance10;2761219]As stated by himself?
Did he show you any certification from any of the numurous teachers he’s had?
I’m not saying he is or isn’t legit, just wondering how you know he is.

Wow, you have quite a hard on for him after a week…not sure why going by youtube footage of him. Thats just my opinion.
And what research was this?

Betting this is your first time though…who are you defending next are you sure you have time?[/QUOTE]

I made some phone calls, the weight of which can’t be measured by my word alone. I joined him only after I could confirm his actual involvement with GM Leung Ting. I know a few people in the Wing Chun system and they in fact knew of him and spoke well of him. That was good enough for me. Perhaps my standards are not as stringent as yours since I didn’t ask for documentation, perhaps I am more naive, in any case I like his teaching style and some of his ideas approach to traditional Wing Chun jive with what I have learned. So again, if you really want to know, call around to the various GM’s (schools - since some have passed) and/or email them, I’m sure you will get a prompt and honest answer. Also if one of you do it, then it’s not his “protective” student saying this or that. :slight_smile:

OK…xingyi…now I’m done. :wink:


[QUOTE=Matterz;2761245] he too would know, be satisfied and this whole thread would not exist.

-Matterz[/QUOTE]No, you do not know if he would be satisfied at all.

[QUOTE=It is Fake;2761249]No, you do not know if he would be satisfied at all.[/QUOTE]

I guess your role here is to instigate more argument? Making a NEW argument from a really benign statement is kind of…well whatever. xingyi may I now appease your ego? You win. I agree, I don’t know if he would be truly ever satisfied. You can have the last word/point. :wink:



I’m at work and don’t have the most time. So I’ll make this quick.
Could you please show us some documentation? I did call one of his
schools, and the instructor there has giving me conflicting info to
what your claiming. Care to prove it?

This is the internet. I can claim I AM BRUCE LEE, but i must back up this
claim. Anyone can claim anything. We need to see proof, or it will be just
that, one man’s word against another.

It was Jim Fung’s school, the school he says he did 20 years with. Their response was “we havent anyone named Fernandez with teaching rank”. When i put this to Fernandez, he claimed that this guy just hadnt heard of him. Convenient dont you think?

[QUOTE=Matterz;2761253]I guess your role here is to instigate more argument? Making a NEW argument from a really benign statement is kind of…well whatever. xingyi may I now appease your ego? You win. I agree, I don’t know if he would be truly ever satisfied. You can have the last word/point. :wink:




Here on this site words matter, what you say is taken as what you mean.
No one is instigating anything, however you will get called on what you say.
There is a difference.
Learn from it and take more care in what you write. I mean this to help as I think you can learn alot from this place as I know I have and continue to do.

Aside from the rescource it provides re MA and training its a great place to try and sharpen your mental faculties and clarity of writing.

FYI its the same for everyone whoever they are ( Staff or not ) and whatever they train in.

[QUOTE=Matterz;2761253]I guess your role here is to instigate more argument? Making a NEW argument from a really benign statement is kind of…well whatever. xingyi may I now appease your ego? You win. I agree, I don’t know if he would be truly ever satisfied. You can have the last word/point. :wink:



Says the guy introducing race, speaking for others, trying to create a MMA versus Mixed training debate, who keeps coming back after claiming he was “bored!” Your comment is funny and ironic.

Last time I checked, repeatedly telling someone how they should speak, act, and write after they have ADMITTED they fucked up is instigating. The real ego problem comes from the person who keeps harping on SB giving an apology to their SIFU.

[QUOTE=sprawlnbrawl;2761254]I’m at work and don’t have the most time. So I’ll make this quick.
Could you please show us some documentation? I did call one of his
schools, and the instructor there has giving me conflicting info to
what your claiming. Care to prove it?

This is the internet. I can claim I AM BRUCE LEE, but i must back up this
claim. Anyone can claim anything. We need to see proof, or it will be just
that, one man’s word against another.

It was Jim Fung’s school, the school he says he did 20 years with. Their response was “we havent anyone named Fernandez with teaching rank”. When i put this to Fernandez, he claimed that this guy just hadnt heard of him. Convenient dont you think?[/QUOTE]

First off I am not Sifu Fernandez and cannot give you or anyone documentation I don’t own. As I said I made my own inquiry in my Wing Chun circle and the word back to me was very positive and substantiated. But as I also said my word is hearsay and is why I said “make your own calls” but if I may add, don’t talk to someone who has been with the system for maybe 10 years because he was with that system over 20 years ago, this person was probably still in diapers. And “convenient” no, just is what it is. And SprawlnBrawl you are correct to make a ludicrous claim such as being Bruce Lee, well, yeah you better back it up…lol. But Sifu Fernandez makes no such or any other such ludicrous claim. I think his website was pretty forthright and humbly states his training and lineage. If you doubt a part and your investigation comes up void, then it is your prerogative to throw away the whole for a part. However, if you dig deeper you may find that what you thought was a missing link was maybe misinformation and perhaps other statements can be verified and thereby validate his standing to you…then again maybe not.

If I can be most clear I would like to say, that I don’t have “a hard-on for this guy” (Sifu Fernandez) as someone put it. I’m not defending him per say, nor do I pretend to know or have documentation to know all his lineage and training. What I am saying and have said all along is, you SprawlnBrawl, and kudos to you for admitting this, were wrong in your approach to ask a Sifu for some albeit legitimate questions. Had you been more tactful and less confrontational I know all this would not be going on. Further to this I tried to use some analogies to explain what I was seeing and some posters/staff took offense to this. Thin skinned I guess? But in all this I have not been rude to you or anyone else. I have tried to be as informative as I can be and non-confrontational myself. And it seems, as this continues, all to no avail.

But let me end with this, I’m not here to defend Sifu, he can do that well enough on his own. I just thought this was a forum to voice a point of view, diplomatically, and have ones words weighed by their merit at best or at the least be tested by ones own investigation into what is presented. I guess not? So did I do a “poor job” of defending Sifu Fernandez? No. I just tried to play nice and enlighten everyone on what I know as my truth. Please investigate your own truth…or don’t. :slight_smile:



[QUOTE=It is Fake;2761258]Oh and let this be a lesson to all NOOB students, STFU unless you know how to defend your instructor.

This shit was dead in the water after Dale’s post. Two conclusions were drawn:

  1. That email was shitty and SB was a dick.
  2. The instructor created a hybrid style and has a strong case of the overreaction bug.

Of course, Matterz shows up with his logical fallacies, shitty analogies that he called parables, including a general disdain for the etiquette he espouses and reignites the questioning of his Sifu.[/QUOTE]

I was asked questions to which I responded, honestly and as diplomatically as I could. For some reason you took my “analogies” as offensive or raising a new argument when in fact I was merely trying to explain my point of view. Please correct me if I’m wrong but I thought the point was to express points of view and info as we know it? Maybe I’m wrong…yet again. :slight_smile:



[QUOTE=It is Fake;2761256]Says the guy introducing race, speaking for others, trying to create a MMA versus Mixed training debate, who keeps coming back after claiming he was “bored!” Your comment is funny and ironic.

Last time I checked, repeatedly telling someone how they should speak, act, and write after they have ADMITTED they fucked up is instigating. The real ego problem comes from the person who keeps harping on SB giving an apology to their SIFU.[/QUOTE]

First off my point was not race, but purity of bloodline/lineage as an “analogy”. If you want to make this about race, well, you have issues. Secondly I was not making a debate over MMA and Mixed training, it was again a parallel of a “person” being exposed to different styles of MA to round out their training and therefor having influence from these Arts. Hence the reason why they may have Japanese and Chinese weaponry displayed on their walls. If this is difficult for you to follow I believe the issue lies with you having a comprehension problem. And finally, no where did I say I was “bored”. I said I was done talking because I was only repeating myself anyway, and for the record I was not speaking for anyone but me. and I only continued to speak when questioned or commented to by other posters…including yourself. And I only stated the apology in my earlier posts as a suggestion to help smooth things out. I don’t insist he do it, but it sure would be nice. :wink:



[QUOTE=It is Fake;2761265]SB made a poor decision and was called on his shit. He reacted better than I anticipated when I called him a dick. That’s the funniest part of this entire thread. The insulted guy, in the wrong, admitted his mistake, owned up to his idiocy and kept posting calmly.

Instead of acting calmly, Matterz he reacted in a way I expected from SB.[/QUOTE]

Where am I ever “not calm”? Through all your posts where can you say I have been rude, angry, or negative? If you place inflection on my posts that I don’t have, then the issue is yours alone. In all this I have enjoyed myself immensely. Human nature and ego at its best.



For the love of all that is Holy, STOP, matterz. You don’t see how much of a douche you are being.

[QUOTE=Matterz;2761430]First off my point was not race, but purity of bloodline/lineage as an “analogy”.[/quote] Yes, you introduced RACE into the discussion.

If you want to make this about race, well, you have issues.
You introduce a “parable” where you spell out Bruce Lee’s race, how he was discriminated against because of his mixed heritage, tie it to your Sifu, tie it to weapons, and then say “IiF if are trying to make it about race you have problems.” Hahahahahahaha!

I can’t take you seriously anymore.

[QUOTE=sprawlnbrawl;2761436]Ok at work again, i really should log in at night, but family time takes away from this.

What i was referring to as a claim. I can say I have trained with Sheung Ling Tin, GM Yip man, and set up a website with a few pictures, to make it look like i have. Very little on actual details, just a few pictures. Could this be what your teacher has done?

For all we know the man in the pictures could be at a private lesson, and only met this master for the first time. A picture does not equal confirmation of lineage.

Then looking at the mix up of language. Then at the fact a man who has studied chinese arts his entire life has zero knowledge about the langauge(confirmed earlier).
He also has more japanese weapons than chinese weapons hanging in his dojo.

When you look at this combined, does it not smell funny to you? It certainly would to me.[/QUOTE]

I will take the time to answer you SprawlnBrawl because contrary to what It Is Fake thinks he knows about me, I am only here to say my piece. So again, I made a call to my old training friend from a well known and respected Wing Chun system and asked if he heard of Sifu Fernandez. And he did. He told me what he knew about him and is why I approached him to train in his system.

I understand your hang-up over the Japanese-Chinese thing but do you not understand my “possible” explanation that maybe he has trained (dabbled-learned a bit from, borrowed from) some Japanese influence? And maybe the weapons are a homage to this training? I don’t know myself I like you am only speculating.

Oh and my conversation with my friend is equally hearsay because it was a private convo that was to only satisfy my curiosity. I was not “witch hunting”, for lack of a better term, I was just asking around to satisfy my curiosity. I didn’t ask for documentation and I never will. Like I said the info I got was from a very reliable source, to me, and that’s all I cared about.

You ask if it smells funny to me…no not really. It just is what it is. I’m kinda laid back like that. But if you feel like you should be the guy to bring this guy down, all the power to you. But you need to ask yourself… why? I mean what’s in it for you? Are you interested in training in Wing Tchun Do? If not because you don’t like the mixing of Japanese and Chinese, then why not just walk away and leave it as “not for me”? You don’t need to answer these questions I’m just pricking your ego a little to try to enlighten you maybe…for what it’s worth, I really hope you find what ever it is you are seeking. Peace.


[QUOTE=Matterz;2761461]I will take the time to answer you SprawlnBrawl because contrary to what It Is Fake thinks he knows about me, I am only here to say my piece. So again, I made a call to my old training friend from a well known and respected Wing Chun system and asked if he heard of Sifu Fernandez. And he did. He told me what he knew about him and is why I approached him to train in his system.

I understand your hang-up over the Japanese-Chinese thing but do you not understand my “possible” explanation that maybe he has trained (dabbled-learned a bit from, borrowed from) some Japanese influence? And maybe the weapons are a homage to this training? I don’t know myself I like you am only speculating.

Oh and my conversation with my friend is equally hearsay because it was a private convo that was to only satisfy my curiosity. I was not “witch hunting”, for lack of a better term, I was just asking around to satisfy my curiosity. I didn’t ask for documentation and I never will. Like I said the info I got was from a very reliable source, to me, and that’s all I cared about.

You ask if it smells funny to me…no not really. It just is what it is. I’m kinda laid back like that. But if you feel like you should be the guy to bring this guy down, all the power to you. But you need to ask yourself… why? I mean what’s in it for you? Are you interested in training in Wing Tchun Do? If not because you don’t like the mixing of Japanese and Chinese, then why not just walk away and leave it as “not for me”? You don’t need to answer these questions I’m just pricking your ego a little to try to enlighten you maybe…for what it’s worth, I really hope you find what ever it is you are seeking. Peace.

I know what you WRITE, I have not claimed to know anything about YOU.

Damn, you are one of the angriest passive aggressive poster we’ve seen in a few years.

[QUOTE=It is Fake;2761437]Let it go sprawl. This guy has argued in so many circles, he can’t see why you asked the original questions. It is HOW you asked the questions that was wrong, not the why. Many of us see where your issue arose, right or wrong. Matterz is focused on putting you in your place. Now, he is playing “symantics” while trying to put me in my “place.”[/QUOTE]

Circles? Maybe in your mind, I guess. I fully understand the why but I came here first to comment on the how. Then others asked the What? And I answered the best I could . You are caught in a circle of your own confused mind, I guess. Because maybe you are trying to read into my posts more than what they are? Perhaps you need me to be a raging swearing idiot so you know how to deal with me? But I’m not like that and perhaps a deep fear in you is bubbling up because I am unable to be rocked by your superiority complex. What do I know, I’m just speculating again. :slight_smile:



[QUOTE=Southpaw;2761457]This thread reminds me how good wing chun people are at fighting online. It’s impressive. I think chis sao is really just an exercise to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome since they all spend so much time on the computer. If you think about it Yip Man was a visionary.

But seriously. Someday I will turn on my Mac and go to Bullshido…and there will be a post from a wing chun guy that doesn’t make me want to punch myself in the face.[/QUOTE]

