1 H4VE T3h D34d1y GR4pp13 4nd 4LL 0F YU0 are N00BS!

1 H4VE T3h D34d1y
GR4pp13 4nd 4LL 0F YU0 are N00BS!

1 1z t3h 0Wn4g3!!!111111 :sad5::5question:iamwithst:iamwithst:qleapfrog:XXpig:

Why…that wasn’t really a question at all.

The first post I open upon returning and I gotta deal with this bullshit…

[quote=BudoMonkey;2156119]Why…that wasn’t really a question at all.

The first post I open upon returning and I gotta deal with this bullshit…[/quote]

Wh3n yu0 l3ft Bu11sh1d0 w4s 0v3r c0m3 by t3h d34d1y trolls! tr0lls 0wn this pl4c3 n0w n00b!!!
gtfo sad defence narb safer!!!


And I could have dont it if it went for you meddling kids!!!

no ip ban plz kkthnxbai

You know what I love about trolls?

  1. they don’t bother me at all, its actually funny, and pathetic kinda like being Rick-Rolled
  2. they have tiny tiny tiny Penises,
  3. they want butt sex

That was weak

What a total dick.

This isnt not a important BJJ question?..

I think the best answer to this question would be the selftriangle.

Dude, if I could selftriangle…well, I wouldn’t be posting this.